Personal essay

A Personal Essay for Any Purpose

Writing a personal essay has its roots in elementary school.  Children are often asked to write a short few-sentence paragraph on the topic of “What I Want to be When I Grow Up,” and teachers proudly show these to parents at an Open House.  By middle school, students are often expected to engage in writing a personal essay that is longer and contains more in-depth reflection on their beliefs, opinions, and goals.  Still, these initial writing works are rather unsophisticated and simplistic in style and vocabulary.  Often, an additional personal essay assignment may include a narrative of an important experience or event.

When students reach high school, the personal essay becomes a part of almost every English class, and students often produce several during these years.  The importance of writing such works, however, does not become significant until the high school student is ready to apply for college or for scholarships for college.  Every application now requires at least one personal essay, if not several.  If a student progresses to graduate or professional school, moreover, there are usually several personal essay requirements.  Applicants may be asked to discuss three critical events in their lives that have shaped their personal philosophy; applicants may be asked to select individuals who had great impact on their lives; they may be asked to identify and discuss personal and professional goals.  The critical importance of a personal essay for college, graduate program, or scholarships cannot be over-stated.  Written essays that are read and discussed by admission committees are used to separate candidates who are otherwise equal in qualifications.

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With so much at stake, students often turn to professional online essay resources for help with a personal essay.  Such services usually provide written essays of all varieties, but few are willing to produce a personal essay for college and scholarship applications.  This is because the vast majority of online essay services do not produce original, customized writing for their customers.  To be given an order that is unique to an individual is not a task their unqualified writers are ready to assume, and the dishonest and unethical essay service will turn down the order, or, worse, take one’s money and “run.”, however, is one of the “good guys.”  Our essay service accepts any unique and/or personalized order and promises to create an exceptional piece each and every time.  If you need a personal essay or multiple ones, we have English-degreed writers who are ready to go to work for you.  When you place your order, we ask that, along with the essay prompt, you provide detailed information that relates to that prompt, so that the assigned writer has the information from which to build a stellar personal essay.  You will have an encrypted account by which your writer may communicate, in order to request clarification and additional information, and to provide you with rough drafts for your review and comment.  You collaborate with your writer every step of the way.  S/he will deliver to you an ultimate product which is creative, presents you in an exceptional way, and which promises to grab the attention of all who read it!

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Very few online essay services will assume the tasks of personal essays.  Fortunately, has been doing so for years and has the professionals with the background, the English skills and the flair for writing that is required to set its clients above the rest!

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