Persuasive Essay

The objective of a persuasive essay is to present an argument that will use logic and reason to sway the reader to adopt the point of view of the writer. The writer should use examples and support from respectable sources to back up his idea in order to make the reader believe into it.

Persuasive essays are generally used to convince the reader that he needs to buy a particular item or perhaps it is an essay that will win over a potential employer to hire the writer. At the college level the instructor will usually assign a specific topic and ask the student to write an essay that will convince the instructor of a certain point of view or to take a specific action regarding the topic. Normally the topic will be one that is debatable and will need reliable evidence to support the argument presented.

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The student needs to make the title enticing so that the reader will be excited to read it. Although a persuasive essay will take a particular side or argument regarding a subject it does not necessarily have to be reflected in the title. The title merely lets the reader know what the paper is generally about.

In the introduction, the thesis statement and direction of the paper will be revealed. It is at this juncture that the student makes the proclamation about his or her belief or feeling about the topic and why the reader should potentially feel the same.

The support or backup to the thesis statement will be fleshed out in the body of the paper. The writer might take three precise details and support them in three separate paragraphs. These paragraphs represent the meat of the paper and this is where the writer will get the reader to be persuaded to feel the same way or not. These three paragraphs need good support based on facts from authoritative sources in order to get the reader to shift his opinion on the subject. One of the main things a writer needs to do in a persuasive essay is to prove to the reader that he will benefit immensely from whatever the topic is. In the main body of the essay the writer must address the potential objections from the reader and have substantial proof as to why these objections can be overcome.

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Finally, the persuasive essay will be tied together in the conclusion paragraph of the paper. This is where the rubber meets the road when getting the reader to take action and reach agreement with the writer. It is the final attempt to ‘get them to buy’ or ‘have a change of heart’. The benefits listed in the body of the essay will be brought together in one final statement that will have the reader on his knees begging for the product being sold. Testimonials

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