5 Genuine Productivity Tips

5 Genuine Productivity Tips

Procrastination is evil, especially considering the fact that the list of things you might want or need to do is never-ending. Learning how to balance rest, personal activities, and work related tasks can be really important. Here are a couple of tips on how to be more productive without great efforts.

Find Your Priorities

There is a popular technique that consists of writing out all the things you might want to do on a piece of paper and then crossing them out till only ten or twelve remain. The elimination process helps you to realize about what you care the most. Do not waste precious time on anything else.

Use Clocks

This may seem a bit vague, but actually this is a very simple technique. Time yourself doing simple tasks. If you see that cleaning up at home takes you hours upon hours, there will be more motivation to do it in a more succinct manner. Limit yourself with short periods of time. It is not a big problem if you do not manage to finish in time, but imagine the satisfaction if you do.

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Don’t Forget to Rest

Not every single second should be filled to the brim with tasks and activities. It is very important to take some time just to drink tea and stare out of the window, to listen to your favorite records, or to spend an evening with friends doing nothing.

Use a Checklist

Many people are so used to game interactions that they also benefit from gamifying their day-to-day experiences. After all, there’s something inherently satisfying in putting a checkmark next to a task. It makes the sense of accomplishment so much more real. If traditional daily lists seem like a waste of paper, try an app instead!

Try Going without Electronic Devices

This is the most controversial advice presented here. Ultimately, gadgets make our lives easier and much more convenient. However, they are also tremendously distracting. You will not die if you do not check your Facebook or Instagram for a while. If social media is important to you, try designating an hour each day when you can use them and stop checking your phone all the time.

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Overall, there are no special secrets that will help you to become more productive immediately, but with dedication and hard work, anything is possible.

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