Why Your First Job Isn’t Always Successful

Why Your First Job Isn’t Always Successful

When entering the workplace, many young people look forward to quitting their first job. Why does it happen so?

The first day of your first job might seem exciting. However, it is important to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the job you are planning to do. Otherwise, you might end up doing boring or menial work. Undoubtedly, you might feel down when you realize that your first job is not the one you imagined. Therefore, it is absolutely logical when you quit it in order to apply for another job. Surely, you look forward to the one you actually want.

Are Millennials Very Choosy and Hard to Please?

Every graduate wants to find the job that corresponds to the description in the job listing. Believe it or not, it is not an anomaly. According to the statistics, seven out of ten young college graduates complain that their current job does not meet their expectations. Only few of them claim to be satisfied with their first job position.

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The stereotype about the millennials is obvious. These are rebels who expect too much from their first job, and, consequently, they should face up and accept the reality of adult life along with its toughness and roughness. However, the lack of engagement at work doesn’t evince a coddled upbringing. For the majority of young people, their first job is a chance to look thoughtfully at their careers.

Why Do Young People actually Quit Their First Job?

The aim of many young people is to go to college, get higher education, and find a decent job. However, they are not prepared for asking more important questions. Before starting any job, ask yourself what you actually want out of it, what matters to you the most, what you expect to do, etc. Answering these questions might minimize the chances of you being disappointed afterwards, since you know what you want.

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Unfortunately, many young people find their positions boring, stressful, and absolutely different from the description. As a result, dream jobs turn out to be hell. Some people even feel miserable at their current jobs. Sooner or later, they quit and start looking for better working opportunities.

Having a Job that Matters Is the Key Part of a Dream Job for Millennials

It is not just that working 40 hours a week is difficult to get used to. Virtually every millennial cares a lot about doing meaningful work, which includes decent salary and full usage of their skills.

Doing a job that matters is essential for young people, isn’t it? But would you get paid if your job didn’t matter? I suppose the answer would be negative. Therefore, employers need to explain this simple fact to younger employees. Undoubtedly, it will reduce the number of people feeling under-appreciated.

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Keep in mind, your first job doesn’t necessarily have to be your dream job. It is your first step to figuring out what you actually want to do in your life.

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