What Is Leadership?

What Is Leadership?

In the modern world of growing opportunities and in the era that requires more and more personal initiative, leadership is a vital skill that needs to be developed if you want to realize your potential.

Leadership is a set of innate or acquired features and behaviors. Most definitions of the leadership include three components, such as influence, group, and purpose. First, leaders are people, who influence the behavior of others. Second, leadership is usually explored in the context of groups, especially in working groups. Third, the leadership study focuses on the group goal, which must be achieved. Thus, the following definition of leadership can be given: it is a process in which a person influences other members of a group to achieve the goals of a group or organization.

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How to Become a Leader

Modern organizations are increasingly lacking talented and well-trained leaders at all levels of cooperation. However, leadership can be learned. According to the theory of features, the personality can acquire the qualities of a leader. The supporters of this theory believe that it is possible to raise a true leader if one reveals the leader's personality qualities, and then organize his or her education and training.

Qualities of the Leader

  • First, it is necessary to be able to remain calm in all situations. For this, it is necessary to try to receive only positive emotions from your life choosing the appropriate people for communication and excluding those, who leave an unpleasant feeling in your soul.
  • Second, be firm in everything. Be able to refuse despite any persuasions and tricks, as to someone, as to yourself. Be unshakable, make a decision and defend it.
  • Third, the ability to make decisions is an important quality of the leader. Denoting for yourself a goal, you become aware of what you want to achieve. Take the initiative, generate various ideas, and build plans for their implementation.
  • Fourth, do not forget that the goal you set for yourself should be achievable. Do not plan unrealistic tasks, as they will only take your time and, in any way, will not help raise the authority inside the team.
  • Fifth, do not deny your mistakes shifting responsibility for them to someone else. After all, the real leaders are responsible not only for themselves but also for the whole group. However, do not forget that connivance in the team is also unacceptable since it leads to irresponsibility and diminishes your importance in the eyes of the collective.
  • Sixth, develop the abilities of the organizer. After all, properly planned work leads to the unity of the collective, and vice versa, the thoughtless leadership can cause numerous disagreements among its members. Try to extinguish any conflict. Often, it is the reason for the decline in the effectiveness of the work.

The qualities listed above are only a small part of the things that a leader should have. Real knowledge and skills come with time but only if you are doing your best. It is not easy to become a leader, but everyone can do it.

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