Girl’s Perspective on College Study Essentials

Girl’s Perspective on College Study Essentials

You’ve probably read lots of articles with study tips, as I did, but only a few, or even zero, articles about college study essentials. I want to fill this gap and focus on the things that will make your studies easier. Mind that it’s the ladies article!

    • Highlighters, Pencils, Pens. All your stationary should be with you, ready to serve you right when you need it! I like using color coding, because it helps make everything much clearer. This is why I always carry highlighters and colored pens with me.


    • Post-it Notes. I use them to mark important info and pages in my textbooks and to organize my notes. Using post-it notes is a great way to make studying less boring because you can use different colors and shapes.


    • Planner is a must-have item for an organized person. I bring my planner whenever I go and I have all my to-do-lists there, so I never forget anything. To tell the truth, without a planner, I would be totally dazed and confused!


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    • Flashcards. Even if you haven’t used them or if you think that you won’t need them, I strongly recommend you to bring some flashcards for study sessions to help you with your studies. You never know when you may need them!


    • Laptop & Earphones. A laptop is the thing that I bring with myself anywhere I go, but I can’t stress enough how important it is for studies. You can use it once you have a spare minute to turn your notes into study guides and if you have study materials with you, you can utilize them to get ready for tests even if you have not planned to do this. I also strongly recommend you to bring earphones with you. You can listen to music while studying, or if it distracts, you just put them on in order to reduce the surrounding noise.


    • Bottle of water or juice will always help you stay hydrated while studying.


    • Cozy socks. You need to feel comfortable while studying, don’t you? Especially, during the cold times, you’ll need a pair of fuzzy socks in order not to suffer from discomfort while studying.


    • Hand Lotion. I hate when my hands are dry! But you have high chances of having dry hands in case you’re writing or typing a lot and that’s exactly what happens when you study. The solution to this problem is a hand lotion. And you’ll get a cool bonus feature – it smells amazing!


    • Hand Sanitizer. While attending the places with lots of people, I often feel like a germaphobe. That’s why I always have my hand sanitizer with me. And just like the hand lotion – this thing also has a great smell!


  • Healthy Snacks! I can’t study when I feel hungry, so I always have some healthy snacks with me. It can be bananas, breakfast bars, yoghurts or trail mix.

Keep your study cozy, girls!

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