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Many students often associate studying with something incredibly hard, especially when talking about finals. They even think it is unfair to make students study so intensively during final week and suffer so much. On the other hand, you do not need to study intensively and even suffer from enormous amount of the material to be learned if you prepare to your finals week wisely. So, here are the secrets of interactive preparation before finals and making studying joyful.
Many young people think that cramming is a way out, especially if they do not understand the material. On the other hand, memorizing the course content is not beneficial too, because it is easy to forget in stressful circumstances. So, it is essential to understand the course material and follow logical study patterns when learning new information. This way it will be easy to retrieve it during exams.
Memorize only some parts of information, such as terms and definitions. Remember this information by making logical connections and associations with something you already know. In addition, read through the course content many times and use tricks to remember it. For example, join a study group, teach your friend, create diagrams or flash cards.
Promise yourself a reward after you go through examination period successfully. Think of something that is really precious to you, for example, a visit to a friend, family dinner in a restaurant, etc. This reward will motivate you to perform better during exams, and it will be easier to remember new information if you make your brain think positively about the result.
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If it is hard to control your time and avoid procrastination, create a study schedule and arrange your time according to it. It will also help you to keep track of the planned activities during a day and reach your study goals. Also, do not forget to study in blocks and allow some rest after 1-2 hours of studying.
It may sound weird, but acting like a professor when revising the course material is indeed beneficial. Many students confess that this study method is the best. So, hide in a study room, pretend you are a professor and retell yourself the information you learned out loud. You may even ask yourself questions and give answers. In addition to being really enjoyable, this method will ensure you learned all the material properly.
Use these study tips and make your finals week enjoyable and less stressful. Now you may study interactively and never experience fear of failure during examination period.
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