Cozy Living For Free

Cozy Living For Free

Tips on how to Find Absolutely Free Luxury Housing

Student years are a great time. Young people value the simplest pleasures of life. Students are often poor, but, their youth is filled with vivid emotions and interesting events. They are happy without money in their pockets; they eat cheap fast food, wear low-priced clothes, live in modest dormitories and enjoy every day of their lives. Of course, it is so good to appreciate what you have. However, you always need to strive for the best and demand more from your life, even if you are just starting out, you are young and you do not have money. One of the most costly points of expenditure for students is payment for rent of housing. It is very difficult, especially for foreign students. In fact, every student can afford to find an absolutely free of charge chic dwelling. It sounds like a fantasy, but now you will find out by what means you can realize your dream of comfortable apartments. Here are some stable variants.

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Looking for a Luxury Housing

Work as Babysitter

Many successful people care about their business, but because of this, they have less time for family and children. Nevertheless, they do want to take care of their kids. Therefore, they look for helpers who will spend time with their children, educate them and look after them. Students are ideal candidates for such a job because they do not require a big salary and can combine work with studying. Money, in fact, does not play a significant role for students – the main thing is a cozy room in a good house.


The cost of cleaning services is quite high nowadays, especially it is very expensive to have your own cleaner at home, but this is an ideal opportunity for obtaining free housing for students. Offer your cleaning services in return for the provision of a room. Your employer benefits because he does not pay anything and there is constant cleanliness in the house. Such job will take only a few hours a day and will not interfere with your studies.

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Become a Gardener

If you love nature and plants, this work will definitely bring you pleasure. Rich people, as usual, have a luxurious garden in their yards, so take advantage of this, get a job as a gardener in a sumptuous palace, and get an opportunity to live in it.


Wealthy people always take care of the future of their children and try to develop all their talents and give more knowledge. If you can dance well, sing or play some instrument, or you are strong in natural sciences, start giving private lessons, as a payment you will receive free or very cheap accommodation.

Domestic Worker

Not everyone, even a rich family, can afford to hire a housekeeper, but smart students can offer their home help services absolutely free of charge or for a minimal fee. This is an economy for the employer and an opportunity to get a good gratis room for the student.

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