The Best Excuses for not Doing Your Homework

The Best Excuses for not Doing Your Homework

Why didn’t you do your homework? What do you usually say to the teacher? Logically, you should have a reason that prevented you from doing it. The reason must be compelling, not causing any questions. In addition, it must be confirmed by parents (in case of contact of the teacher and parents, which can be quite simply done via the Internet now).

I Did not Understand the Task

Students love to say they tried to do something, but either the question was not understood, or the teacher’s assignment was unclear. Responsible learners in such a situation do another task, apologize and show that they tried. However, if the student did not want to do something, most likely the misunderstanding of the task was connected with the lack of motivation.

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I Was Feeling Unwell

Illnesses often adjust our plans. Nevertheless, some students feel worse in a situation when they need to study intensively (tests, difficult homework). Here the classic excuse comes, “I was sick.”

Bad Internet Connection

Today, this excuse is quite popular due to the advent of electronic textbooks. A student who has a broken device or lost internet connection is cut off from classes and lessons.

I Was Absent at the Previous Lesson

It is a classic variant. Many students sincerely hope that this excuse will work. They blame classmates for not telling them what task they should have done. Sometimes it works, but too frequent use of this excuse can betray your lies and a banal reluctance to do your homework.

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My Younger Brother Messed up the Book

Often, students place all the blame on younger brothers (or sisters), as well as on pets who, not understanding and knowing what is happening, can accidentally mess up a book or notes with important materials. Many learners also say that children have deleted the necessary file on the computer. Such things can often happen in real life. However, in most cases, this is just another good excuse.

I Was not at Home Yesterday

Some young people justify not doing their homework by their absence (not being at home or in the city). Very often, young people visit their relatives and because of this, they do not have the time or opportunity to work with educational materials. Nevertheless, if you are too lazy to write an essay or read a new paragraph, you can use this good excuse.

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I Helped My Mother about the House

Students often use good deeds as an excuse. For example, you can say that you did not prepare the assignment because you helped your mother about the house. Here is another example, tell a story about how you helped a homeless kitten (a dog) or an elderly person on the street. Most teachers are very kind and sympathetic people; they have to believe you. All these excuses are very good; however, you should overcome your laziness and find the strength in yourself to complete the learning tasks.

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