What is a ‘Student card’?

Student cards are issued to students and they enable them to get deals and discounts that are exclusively available to students.
There are dozens of them available and therefore providers must compete to offer the best service.
As well as offering many discounts and special deals, the card also acts as an identity card.
It also enables the holder to apply for a variety of lines of credit but regardless of how good the deal looks, check the fine print!

It's easy to be swayed by the vast number of offers of credit but remember that you'll be paying them for a long time and even if the initial deal looks great, make sure that the one you choose offers things you really need, like low interest rates.
You should also select credit that has quite a low spending limit in order that you won't be tempted to buy things you really can't afford.
Check on the details of any grace period offered and what charges you may be subject to afterwards.

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You can use this opportunity to build a good credit history which could be invaluable to you later in life.
Therefore you'll want to ensure that you make the repayments on time and that you control your spending.

If you want travel and adventure, then there are lots of opportunities that can make you a part of the large international populus of students who share the same goals.
The ‘international scholar identification system' gives you an identity that is recognized at international level.
The aim of this service is to ensure stress free travel cheaply to students from all around the world.
There are large discounts on global transportation but also on food, accommodation and shopping in most parts of the world.

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Student cards have progressed ahead just being just identity cards and now open the door to a world of opportunities.

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