6 Mistakes in Essay Writing That All Students Should Avoid

6 Mistakes in Essay Writing That All Students Should Avoid

Most of the guides on essay writing advise you to make a solid thesis statement and to stick to the structure. While these tips are definitely important, they’re not the only ones that you should consider if you want to become a successful essay writer. When you learn how to write your essay without the following six mistakes, the quality of your papers will increase dramatically.

    • Too many Arguments. Both essay guides and your professor want you to defend your thesis statement with solid arguments. This is why too many students end up including too many unnecessary arguments in their essay. In case you’re working with a basic 5-paragraph essay, you don’t need to include countless quotes, data and statistics. Three argumentsare enough.

  • Plagiarism. This is like a red flag for the academia and educational institutions. You should use different sources of information to provide evidence for your thesis, but you shouldn’t simply copy the opinion of the other author, or just paraphrase it. You should research the topic thoroughly to make your own conclusions and write about them. Besides, all modern professors use plagiarism search engines to ensure that their students have worked on their papers themselves. If you’re caught on plagiarism, you will face some serious problems.
  • Confusing Introduction/Conclusion. An introductory paragraph is to explain the importance of the issue and to make the thesis statement. The conclusion is to restate the thesis statement in the light of the provided evidence. Although, it sounds simple, somehow students manage to find it confusing. Make no fantasies, just follow these simple instructions.
  • Not Paying Attention to the Instructions of your Professor. Even if you find the topic interesting and the temptation to write a full-length research paper instead of the simple essay arises, don’t do this. Because even if you do a great job, your professor won’t appraise it. Just because he or she gave you a different assignment. Moreover, your professor may decide not to look at your paper at all. If you don’t want this, follow the instructions very scrupulously and precisely.
  • Denying Help with Writing an Essay. Some students think that they should do everything themselves. While this is a very noble and correct notion, we’re not living in the ideal world and sometimes there’s just too much pressure on us. Don’t be shy to use the help of a professional writer. If you realize that the deadline is approaching fast and you have many other projects to complete, don’t hesitate to choose an agency that will provide assistance with some of your writing assignments. There’s nothing bad in working with a writer who will help you to prepare an excellent paper on time.
  • Skipping Editing and Revision Phases. If you have just finished writing your essay, it doesn’t mean that your work is finished. Without editing and revising, it is incomplete. Logical holes, spelling and grammar mistakes should all be removed from your paper before you show it to your professor. When you are aware that the structure is perfect and your thesis is great, you can start proofreading. Only after it, your paper will be ready for submission.

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