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Essay is the most popular type of academic writing which requires the student to present his or her views on a specific issue in a way that is defined by the essay type. For instance, argumentative essay requires you to prove your point by providing arguments, in exemplification essay you need to give examples, in persuasive essay your main goal is to persuade the reader in your point of view, etc. Writing a decent essay requires good writing and analytical skills, and it is also necessary to follow a specific structure which includes introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
When writing an essay on bullying, it is important to give the definition of bullying first, and then proceed to explaining what the actual trends of bullying are, and why it is crucial to deal with it. The author should explain very clearly why bullying is a problem that should be addressed seriously, not just by giving his or her opinion but by providing one’s assertions with reliable evidence and facts.
Introduction is a very important part of the essay because it’s the first part of the essay which reader sees. It should capture reader’s attention right away. A well-written introduction gives enough background information on the topic, explains the ideas that will be discussed in the essay, and provides a hook which motivates the reader to read further. Thesis statement is a crucial part of the introduction which tells what this paper is about.
The main body is the necessary part of the essay structure which describes the problem that was presented in the introduction. It contains examples, facts, case studies, data from research and other relevant and reliable pieces of information about the topic. It’s important to understand that without proper evidence you won’t be able to persuade your audience that the point of view that you’re trying to prove is valid.
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Conclusion reviews the content of the whole essay, restates the thesis statement, and includes the author’s solution to the problem of bullying. An excellent conclusion makes a lasting impression on the audience and leaves the readers with enough food for thought.
When introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion are written, it is recommended to edit and proofread the work. Usually, after finishing the first draft, an essay still includes plenty of errors and mistakes, therefore if proofreading stage is compromised, the chances of getting a low grade would be rather high.
When editing and proofreading your essay, see that it is well-structured, contains enough evidence to back up the claims made in the introduction, and is free from grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors and flows smoothly. You should also make sure that language and tone that you have utilized is right for your audience. If you see that some crucial pieces of information are missing from your essay, don’t hesitate to add them.
When you make the final editing and proofreading and you reach the stage when you are totally satisfied with your essay, you can consider it completed.