Rules of Creating a Critical Analysis Essay

Rules of Creating a Critical Analysis Essay

Students often face the task of writing a critical analysis of some scientific or social phenomenon. For example, future art critics often have to describe works of various art trends. Professors often give the task of conducting a critical analysis of students’ previous works to check how well they have learned the teaching material. In this type of essay, your own subjective opinion and views on the problem play a major role. In order to be successful in critical analytical writing, you need to have a good erudition in different spheres of human life and be able to express your thoughts correctly. There are several secrets to creating good works. Here are some of them.

Critical Analysis Writing

Critical Reading

The first stage of creating a decent work is critical reading. This is an attentive study of the work from various aspects. If you research a literary work, first reread the text under research several times, write down the main topics that you want to disclose. Explore the critical articles of other researchers. Find out what they think about this work. If you do not understand some parts of the text, look for an interpretation of the meanings of words and phrases in dictionaries and historical reference books. You can also seek advice from your professor. The result of critical reading should become a rough outline of your future work.

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Essay Outline

Most professors give their students examples of drawing up the right plan. If you do not have such sample, you can take advantage of this one.

Reference Information

At the beginning of your work, you should write descriptive information to help readers understand what will be discussed in your essay. You must briefly present many important details here, so this part of the paper is very important.

Work Information

At this stage, you must write the title of the work, the author's name, information about the publication, present the topic and goal, and express the main theses.


To write this part you need to have the skills of correct critical reading, so its result will form your summary.

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This part of the work is the most subjective, because you must express your thoughts and your attitude to the problematic issues here.

Next, you should present information such as organization of work, discussion of the style, its effectiveness, and appeal to a particular audience.

Format of a Critical Writing

Remember that in critical analysis essay a discussion of some work should be in the first place. Therefore, it would be inappropriate to use the phrases "I think," "in my opinion," etc. Of course, you must express your own thoughts, but you have to do this in order to consider the features of the work and not to make yourself known.

Pay attention to the details. Demonstrate quotes from the work in your text. If you write about a picture or music, write about the thoughts and approaches of famous scientists.

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